The global forex market is the largest financial market in the world. The daily transaction in the market totals up to 3.5 trillion USD. There are some popular myths about forex trading. The first one is the process is extremely difficult and complex, and you need to have mathematical and analytical brain to earn some profit from your investment. The second is you need to personally attend the trades to maximize your chances of profit. All these advise you can simply ignore if you have a forex autopilot software like Forex Tracer, Forex Raptor, or Forex Killer with you. These forex robots can be expressed as your legitimate and completely ethical means to earn money from forex.
Before going into the details of earning we must know how these forex autopilots work and why the profit you earn using them is legally safe. These autopilots in most of the cases are designed by forex consultants and experts who have years of experience and exclusive personalized trade secrets for their forex trading. With slightest of the market movement or a tiniest dip in the currency analysis curve they can sniff what is coming up. After a while, they become experts in predicting and speculating market trends that come true in majority of the incidents. Their experience when combined with software programs turn out to be the deadly combination, which works behind the forex autopilots. So, when you buy the software you trade just like the expert trader who designed the system and therefore there is nothing unlawful about its use.
As the systems are highly mechanical in nature, they can repeat the trades again and again without feeling tired like a human trader. The software cannot take wrong decision as well, if not forced to do so. It can take on multiple trades in the same market or in more than one trading markets. You can set the software work as a day trader or a scalper, or a carry-on trader in the forex spot market. In other words, your forex autopilot software is free to take independent decision as you ask it to do. You need to keep the software running and attend your own preoccupations. The automatic program will select the trade to enter, when to enter, when to exit, and how to place the stop-loss limits. Depending on the setting the software will freely review the market situation to locate upcoming trends to alter the strategy.
The situation is even more in your favor if you have previous trading experience. Then you can ask your autopilot how you want it to trade, and it does it, mechanically, without ever failing because of human psychological factors. The more you stay away from your terminal the better the chances are for you. You can test different parameters like different currency pairs and trading strategies to finalize the winning combination and lawfully earn huge profit from your forex trading.
FAP Turbo is one of the oldest Expert Advisors that is still very popular to this day. Besides the English version, it’s also available in Spanish and Chinese languages.
There’s a saying that during tough times the rich are made as well as the poor. The markets swing like crazy and any experienced Forex trader would tell you that it’s a trader’s paradise. It is the time when most profits are made.
But what do you do if you don’t have enough experience to trade? You can lose just as much. However, the modern technology delivers it to you on the silver plate – the automated forex software built by expert traders to automate their mundane daily tasks. Systems kept away from the public in the beginning are now available and you can take a shortcut to professional forex trading with no prior knowledge at no risk whatsoever.
FAP Turbo is one of these systems. The question is, does it deliver?
Here’s a quick breakdown of FAP Turbo’s features:
* Cost: $149
* Setup: 1 click installer
* Guarantee: 8 Week 100% Money Back
* Currencies supported: Multiple
* Demo account: Yes
A unique feature that doesn’t fall under any criterion, is FAP Turbo’s online robot. Every trading software works on your computer and you need to keep your computer running at all times. FAP Turbo has this version of software too, but in addition to that it has online software that runs on its own server and you only need the computer to access your account.
So is it worth a try? You can get your feet wet in forex trading, you can set up an automated income stream, and the wild markets as they are now is the perfect time to do so, it may not happen again in the next 50 years.
From the questions we receive from our readers, here are the most frequently asked questions and the answers to them:
1. What countries can FAP Turbo work in? What if I live outside US?
FAP Turbo works in any country of the world, it doesn’t matter if you live in US, UK, Spain, Germany, France or any other country. It’s completely international.
2. What brokers should I use for FAP Turbo?
FAP Turbo can be used with any broker that supports Metatrader 4 platform. That’s the most popular platform so most of the popular brokers use it (FXCM, FXDD, InterbankFX, Alpari, etc.). If you’re not sure if your broker is using Metatrader 4 platform, contact them via their help desk.
3. What settings should I use?
In general you should go with the defaults, as they are the optimal settings for beginners and carry minimal risk. However, there’s a few that you can tweak. The ones to pay attention to are:
You shouldn’t run long term strategy with a small account ($10k or less)
The short term strategy gets best results with EUR/GBP and/or AUR/CHF
You can enable auto lot management for the scalper (Scalper_UseMM set to true)
The preferable risk percentages for EUR/GBP and EUR/CHF are 20% and 10% respectively.
4. What GMT offset should I use for the scalper?
The GMT offset should match your broker’s timezone, not yours. So to find out the correct offset, you should see the current time in your broker account, then compare it to the current GMT time (wwp.greenwichmeantime.com) to find out the offset.
5. What about taxes?
Your local taxes apply on your income from FAP Turbo. You should consult your local attorneys if you don’t know what taxes would you fall under (if any).
6. Will I get the same results as seen on FAP Turbo site (or why are my results different from those on FAP Turbo site)?
The trading results on FAP Turbo website are from the system running at constantly tweaked settings to achieve the best performance. It’s nearly impossible to replicate the exact results even under the same settings, so you should not worry about that. Everyone will have different results, the only thing you should worry about is your profitability for which FAP Turbo is optimized to achieve with minimal risk.
I recommend that you trade with the best Forex broker: AvaTrade.