Saturday, June 22, 2013

E-cigs Tank Atomizers Collection

Atomizers are in every electronic cigarette on the market.  They are the part of the device that heats the liquid so that it turns to vapor.  They are inside of every tank,  clearomizer or  cartomizer.  Some atomizers are very simple and used strictly for dripping. Other atomizers are rebuildable and very complex, for experienced vapers.

Dripping is literally dripping drops of an e-liquid into an atomizer attached to an e-cigarette battery. When the switch or button on the battery is pressed, the atomizer will vaporize the e-liquid into an inhaled vapor. There is a bit of a learning curve to dripping, but many people love the pure flavor and nebulous amounts of vapor produced by dripping.

Just like with batteries, the part of the electronic cigarette that holds and vaporizes the e-liquid is very customizable and the road to discovering your perfect vape will likely take you on a path of trying several ways of vaporizing your flavorite (that was not a typo) juice.

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