Tuesday, July 2, 2013

18 Ways to program the mind for success - Brian Tracy

 18 Ways to program the mind for success - Brian Tracy
(Best-Selling Motivational Author)

1. All Causation Is Mental 

• How You Use Your Mind Determines Your Success 
- Improve the Quality of your Thinking and You Improve the Quality of Your Life

2. The Law of Expectations 

• Whatever you Expect with Confidence (positive or negative) becomes your  Reality 
- Expect to Succeed and you Will 
- Apply Talents and Abilities to Opportunities

3. . The Law of Attraction 

• You are a living Magnet 
- Your Emotionalized thoughts create a force-field 
• Energy that radiates out from you 
• Energy that attracts people and circumstances 
• These are in Harmony 
• Emotionalized thoughts are the Key

4. The Law of Correspondence 

• As Within, so Without 
– The outer World Reflects our Inner world 
• What’s happening outside corresponds to what’s  happening inside 
• Conscious and subconscious levels 
– Outer world of people 
– Relationships 
– Wealth

5. The Parable of the Talents 

• Fill the Mind with Thoughts, Pictures and the Consciousness of Wealth 
– The Rich get richer 
• Accumulate Knowledge 
– Books, Magazines, Audio, Video and Seminars 
• Begin now to save and Accumulate Money 
– This starts the corresponding flow of money towards you  
• Use your accumulated Experience 
• Everything that You do Counts
• Everything you do should move you towards your Goals

6. The Law of Accumulation 

• Everything accumulates over Time 
– The sum total of many, many tiny efforts 
• Planting and reaping a harvest from a grain of  corn 
• A snow ball rolling forward

7. The Law of Belief

• Whatever you believe with Feeling, Becomes Your Reality 

– Successful People Believe they have the Ability to Succeed
• Build a Prosperity Consciousness
• Make it Inevitable that you Succeed
• Positive Knowing

8. Will Power

• Confidence, Conviction, Faith in the Ability to Triumph
• Repetitions
– Reading Biographies
– Working on Goals
– Tapes
– Books

9. Success is Rear 

• Positive Knowing 
– No Matter What, You Know You Will Succeed 
– Get Active 
– What is your Aim

10. Self Mastery is Essential For  Success 

• Control over Your thoughts and Emotions is The Key 
– Talk and think only on the things you desire 
– Master and Control your Actions 
• If Your are hard on yourself, Life will be easy on You 
• Fill The Mind with thoughts that are Consistent with your Desires

11. A Burning All Consuming Desire For Wealth 

• This the Beginning of Financial Success 
– Decide that you want to make a lot of money 
– That you want to be a Millionaire

12. Set a Specific Goal For Financial Achievement 

• Write it down 
• Set a Deadline 
• Set a detailed Plan for its Achievement 
- Set a 12 month plan to increase income by 50% 
- Begin, Act, Get Going 
- Raise the goal as you get closer to completion 
• Be Clear about the Goal 
• Be Flexible about the Process

13. Practice Visualization 

• Clear Mental Pictures 
– Causative Thinking 
• Steps to be taken for achievement 
• Clear Mental pictures activate the sub and super  conscious minds 
– Length of Visualization 
– Frequency on a day to day basis 
– Intensity, emotion, passion 
– Vividness, how clear is the visualization
+ Develop a Treasure Map – Watch it over and over

14. Positive Self-Talk

• Talk to yourself positively all the time
– I Can Do It
– I Make a Million
– I’m The Best
– A continuous positive inner dialogue that is consistent with goals

15. Always Feed the Mind Positively

• Read Stories, Books, Seminars and Articles about other Successful People
• Visualize, Fantasize, Emotionalize
• Role Models magnetize the mind
• Read everything you can about financial success
• Become a Roads Scholar – utilize driving time

16. Associate only with Success Oriented Positive People

• Get around Winners
• Fly with the Eagles
• Seek out Positive People

17. Think about and Visualize your Goals as Realities 

• Last thing at Night, First Thing in the Morning 
• See the Goal as already in existence 
• Activate the Subconscious with present tense pictures and affirmations

18. Reflect on Goals Daily 

• 30 – 60 Minutes in Morning 
• The Golden Hour (The Rudder Of The Day) by Yourself ™
- Review Plans for Accomplishing Goals ™
- Think of Better ways to Accomplish Goals 
-  Reflect on the valuable Lessons learning  
-  Visualize goal as a reality 
• Rewrite major goals in present tense as if already reality

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