Thursday, June 13, 2013

Save money by smoke e-cigarette, save the environment by smoking e-cigs

If you do not know, E-cigarettes and are becoming very popular, and smokers are increasingly becoming tobacco free to use these new smoking alternative devices. Many of these smokers are loving the time you can make a nice public smoking ban and can still smoking without the dangers that come with tobacco cigarettes.

First of all, many states have enacted or are trying to move the new tax laws that significantly increase the tax on each pack of cigarettes, the consumer purchases. In Florida, Charlie Christ has adopted a new tax levy is $ 1.00 per pack of cigarettes, which means that the cost of packages of cigarettes $ 6.00 $ 7.00 on average. Cartons of cigarettes is running about $ 60 to $ 70 as well.


Now, here’s how to save money by using Ecigarettes. These electronic cigarettes are battery powered and liquid nicotine with nicotine cartridges with built in atomizer. These cartridges of nicotine to the screw on the right of the battery and when the smoker, the cigarette market in tablet form, send a sprayer battery electric charge, which heats the liquid nicotine and nicotine alter the water vapor and smoke. Now here’s the best part. Each cartridge of nicotine, or better known as the electronic cigarette is a filling replaced. When the cartridge is empty, all smokers is just screw in the cartridge and replace it with a new cartridge.

These refills electronic cigarette is the reason why you can save money by smoking. Most packs of five cartridges come, which are equally carton of cigarettes. 5 pc cartridges only cost about $ 14.95, or instead of paying $ 60.00 a box of tobacco save over 50%. This saves money by using cigarettes E. So the next time you go out and buy a pack of cigarettes shop, just know that if we had access to the electronic cigarette, you can save more money than you can imagine.

Saving money is always a good reason to do something.

The cost of cigarettes is phenomenal, and exponentially grows the more you smoke. You might think it only costs a few bucks for a pack of cigarettes, but in reality you don’t just smoke a pack of cigarettes. You smoke one or two a day, 6-10 a week, 30-50 a month or more.

Let’s say on average a pack of cigarettes costs about $5 (it varies from state to state and country to country). That is from $5 to $10 a day, $30 to $50 a week, and $150 to $250 a month. And that is just a rough estimate.

Switching to electronic cigarettes will save you a bundle. Depending on which company you go with, how much you smoke, and how much tobacco smoking you are willing to give up for electronic smoking, you are going to be saving up to 75% of what you used to pay for your cigarettes!

With the cost of cigarettes always rising, and the taxes being increased around the world, the cost of smoking tobacco cigarettes is only going to rise, while the savings you will experience by switching to electronic cigarettes is onyl going to keep increasing. You are going to continue saving more and more money as time goes on.

In these times of global recession, job uncertainty and financial struggle, those savings are massive, Just for that alone it is worth switching to electronic cigarettes.

The following estimates are based on the HALO (which has the most cost effective cartridges) for a UK resident:

If you are a UK smoker going through 20 cigarettes day you will save more than £1500 pounds a year. A 40 a day smoker will save more than £3000 a year, a 60 a day smoker should save over £6,000.
That's based on £5.00 a pack of 20 - those paying more will save more!


Liquid-nicotine, tobacco extract flavorings and Propylene glycol. The more pertinent question though is what isn’t in an E-Cigarette. None of the 4000 chemicals that are present in cigarettes, including tar, carbon monoxide and arsenic, are present in an E-Cigarette.

Whilst not completely safe (nicotine is still after all an addictive drug, considered just as dangerous as caffeine) they are certainly a lot safer than regular cigarettes. There are no carcinogenic lung cancer causing chemicals present in an e-cigarette.

Unlike regular cigarettes, E-cigarettes can be smoked indoors in public places such as pubs and restaurants etc. Although there have been reported cases of landlords demanding that electronic cigarette users smoke outside, it is not technically against the smoking ban, or the law, to smoke one indoors.
Secondly, you don’t have to smoke one “whole cigarette”, you can merely take a few drags for the nicotine release and then put it away for later. No lighters are necessary, and the E-Cigarette is easily transportable in your trouser pocket.

Furthermore, electronic cigarettes are odorless, and do not make your breath or clothing smell, allowing for discreet “smoking”.

Traditional cigarettes contain hydrogen cyanide, a gas used to murder Jews in the Holocaust.  There are also 4,000 other chemicals present in your average cigarette that are also present in  things like embalming fluid, insecticides,  gasoline, bathroom cleaners and nail polish remover. Simply put, smoking is harmful, Around 6 million deaths a year are caused by tobacco.

E-Cigarettes however do not contain tobacco or any of the other 4,000 aforementioned potentially lethal chemicals. The health benefits of using an e-cigarette instead of a standard one to sate that nicotine craving are huge. What’s more, using an electronic cigarette still gives you the feeling that you are actually smoking – the authentic, yet purely synthetic smoke that it produces, and the rush of nicotine to the brain are all still factors of using these devices, and they taste like cigarettes too.

There are also certain social advantages as well – they can be smoked in the comfort of indoors, and they will not irk your non-smoking friends when used. Smoking an electronic cigarette is the much safer, more convenient way to smoke.


  1. Electronic cigarettes market is growing and heading to a corner shop near you, while the internet is the main purchase point for most e cigarettes.
    Best Electronic Cigarettes

  2. I agree, electronic cigarettes are the best alternate of traditional cigarettes as E-cigs make very less negative effect on health. ecigarettes are very effective for anyone who wants to quit the smoking but failed to get rid of this habit due to the addiction of tobacco.



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