Sunday, July 7, 2013

How to Get Rich, How to Become Wealthy

How to Get Rich, How to Become Wealthy

It seems that everyone wants to become rich. Many books have been written on this subject, classes have been taught, and rich people have given advice on how to become rich. However, most, if not all schemes to gain wealth don't work. Here are some more dependable ways to become wealthy. To become overwhelmingly wealthy you must start very early in life.


Getting Rich Through Saving Money

  • Pay yourself first. This means before you go and blow your pay check on a new pair of shoes or a golf club you don't need, put money aside in to an account that you don't touch. Do this every time you get paid and watch your account grow.
  • Make a budget. Create a monthly budget that covers all your basic expenses and leaves a little bit of "fun" money aside. Do not go over this.
  • Downgrade on your car and house. Could you make do with an apartment instead of a house, or have roommates instead of your own place? Could you buy a used car instead of a new one and use it more sparingly? These are all ways to save a ton of money every month.
  • Cut expenses. Look at the ways you frivolously spend money and remove everything. For example, avoid going to Starbucks every morning. That $4 you spend on designer coffee every morning comes out to $20 per week, or $1,040 over the course of a year!


Getting Rich Through a Career

  • Excel academically. Whether it's a four year college or vocational training, most successful people pursue further education beyond high school. In the early stages of a career, your employers have little to go off besides your educational background. Pursue an appropriate degree.
  • Choose the right profession. Look at research survey salaries which indicate average annual incomes for specific professions. Your odds of getting rich are way less if your pursue a career in teaching than a career in finance.
  • Choose the right location. Go where the good jobs are. If you want to pursue finance, for example, there are far greater opportunities in big cities than in rural, low-populated areas.
  • Get an entry-level job and work your way up. Play the numbers game. Apply to many places and conduct many interviews. When you get your job, stick with it to get the experience you need to advance.
  • Change jobs and employer. By changing your environment, you can increase your pay, experience different corporate cultures and reduce risk. Don't be afraid to do this many times. If you're a valued employee, it's also likely your current company may offer you a raise or other benefits if they know you're looking at leaving.


Getting Rich Through Investing

  • Invest your money in education. Go to universities and obtain degrees that are considered in your chosen profession. You sometimes have to spend money to make money. For example, if you're interested in business and obtain an MBA, the money you spent on that will likely earn itself back in a few years.
  • Put money in the stock market. Invest money in stocks, bonds, or other vehicles of investment that will give you an annual return on investment (ROI) that's enough to maintain you in your retirement. For instance, if you have one million dollars invested and you get a reliable 7% ROI, that's $70,000 per year! 
  • Invest in real estate. Relatively stable assets like rental properties or potential development land in steadily growing areas is a good example. These are purchases whose value will likely increase over time. Your odds of that happening are better in some spots than other. For example, some people think that an apartment in Manhattan is almost guaranteed to increase over a five-year period.
  • Invest your time. For example, you might like having free time, so you give yourself a few hours a day to do nothing. But if you were to invest those few hours into getting rich, you could work towards having 20 years of free time (24 hours a day!) with early retirement. What can you give up now in exchange for being rich later?
  • Avoid purchases whose value is guaranteed to decline. Spending $50,000 on a car is usually considered a waste because it's a guarantee that it won't be worth that much in 5 years, regardless of how much work you put into it.
  • Stay rich. It's hard to get rich, but it's even harder to stay rich. Your wealth is always going to be affected by the market, and the market has its ups and downs. If you get too comfortable when times are good, you'll quickly drop back to square one when the market hits a slump. If you get a promotion or a raise, or if your ROI goes up a percentage point, don't spend the extra. Save it for when business is slow and your ROI goes down two percentage points.   


         If money is burning a hole in your pocket for something specific (a new car, for instance, when your current model works fine), force yourself to wait a month before buying. Ask a family member or very trusted friend to hold your money for you if it's that much of a temptation. Spend time considering the real cost of what you want to buy, the pros and cons, how much it will set you back in your aspirations versus the immediate satisfaction,and how that money might be put to better use. 

         Be wise with your money. If you don't NEED it, don't get it. Make good careful choices. The choices we make dictates the future we lead. 

         Live at home if you're a teen or young adult save save save!!! 

         Keep your personal expenses as low as possible and re-invest in your company until you are financially independent. This means wait until you can float your home and business for 6 months without any money coming in the door without a loan. 

         Pay off all your highest interest bills first and then focus payments on the next highest interest bill until you are completely out of debt. If you are going to take out any new loan, then make sure that it is for something that will produce income. 

         Keep your credit record clean because most companies require capital infusions to grow. You won't be able to get a line of credit if your credit score is low.

         Search deep within yourself and find what is your passion. What do you enjoy doing? Turn that hobby into success. Photography, painting, writing, giving advice can become works of arts. Only you can make money from what's already within You. 

         Always make a profit out of any opportunity. Sell items you don't use anymore, even the smallest.

         Every night before you go to bed, empty all of your spare change (coins in particular) into a jar. This takes time but after about one year, you may have at least $150 saved up in coins. 

         Every time you get money save a fourth of it. Have your bank hold your money until you make a certain amount.

         Get a good job and work hard at it. Even if you are a minimum wage worker, you never know when your manager is looking, they might promote you! 

         Buy only what you need not what you want. 

         Define what rich is to you. In other words, what do you envision when you think about being rich? This can be different for everyone. For many people, the idea of getting rich is tied to prestige and getting respect. It's about maintaining a luxurious standard of living. For others, it's a matter of planning for Retirement. Some people want to get rich so that they never have to work another day in their lives. In this case, the standard of life one wishes to maintain once retired is critical to understanding how much money is needed to get rich. 

         Surround yourself with self-made millionaires. Learn from them. It's been said that "like attracts like". Get all the information you can about how rich people started making big money and what they are doing now.

         Don't just focus of that one good paycheck that's making you rich. Having multiple incomes coming in secures your financial status better than just one. 

         Invest only in shares that will go up in price, never ones that will go down. When they have gone up 10 times, sell them and use the money to buy more cheap ones. If you can do this well over a few years you will soon be relaxing on a beach somewhere, sipping cocktails and counting your money. 

         If you find yourself wanting something big to gratify you immediately, divert yourself with a small indulgence rather than giving in to the large one. Walk away from the designer suit or purse, but buy an ice cream cone or catch a movie instead. The $8 movie ticket is a lot less expensive than the $800 purse, but gives you the same feeling of doing something "just for you." 

         Do clothes shopping in the fall or spring.That way you can set a limit for how much money to spend.But you can occasionally pick up a shirt or shoes that are cute. 

         Write every thing you do in your job & do every thing you write. 

         Downgrade apartments and car to a lower grade . Put the money for investment and buy back the previous grade apartment you sold . 

         A quick way to get rich is to date and marry a millionaire. To get rich, nothing can be easier than marrying a rich millionaire.


         "Get rich quick" schemes are invariably scams. Avoid them. There is no such thing as free money unless you inherit it and even then, you must handle it wisely or you will lose that as well. The best way to get rich quickly is having a plan and being able to implement it successfully, if possible with a well-experienced team interested in helping you.

         If you want to become a millionaire, the best way is to really work hard so you feel like you've really earned it. 

         Another "get quick schemes, they promise a lot, but in reality there are only few members who can achieve that goals.


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